Cutting Grass

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Cutting grass is an important part of maintaining a beautiful lawn. It promotes growth and makes it easier to maintain. Depending on the type of grass, mowing may be necessary every week or every other week. However, if the weather is mild, you may only need to mow once or twice a month.

The proper mowing height for most grasses is between two and three inches. This allows for adequate sunlight to reach the grass, providing the blades with the energy they need to grow. If the grass is cut too short, it will be more susceptible to disease, weeds and pests. Keeping the grass longer also provides additional shade for the soil, preventing the soil from evaporating.

Grass grows most rapidly in spring and summer. If the grass is cut too low, it will be susceptible to yellowing in hot weather and promote weeds. Besides, it will have a hard time absorbing the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. When it is cut too short, the blades will try to re-grow and will weaken the root system.

To prevent mowing ruts and uneven cuts, changing your mowing patterns can help. Changing the direction of mowing can encourage upright growth and a thicker lawn. Additionally, mowing in different directions can prevent compacting of the soil. Having a variety of mowing patterns can also help prevent the formation of weeds, thereby protecting the lawn from moss, fungus and pests.

During periods of rapid growth, it is desirable to trim the grass higher. Taking off more than one-third of the total leaf surface can cause severe damage to the grass plant. Removing more than one-third of the leaf surface will cause a decrease in the grass's ability to support underground portions of the grass. Also, removing more than one-third of the total leaf height will cause a decline in the overall health of the plant.

Changing your mowing pattern to alternate directions is one of the easiest ways to prevent mowing ruts and distorted appearance. The alternating directions promotes the growth of new shoots and leaves. This helps the blades to return to an upright position and prevents the formation of a tan patch on the lawn.

During periods of drought, you should allow more time between mowings. You should also limit the amount of air flowing through the grass. This can weaken the roots and create an ideal environment for pests. A well-balanced root and blade system is the healthiest.

If you want to keep your lawn looking good, you will have to learn the correct way to cut it. Most experts recommend mowing one-third of the total grass height at a time. Mowing more than a third of the total height will result in poor nutrient absorption and an unhealthy root system.

Keeping a healthy root system is crucial to the growth and health of your lawn. Grass with shallow roots are unable to absorb sufficient moisture and are ineffective for nutrient absorption.

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