Inky Snakes

Played 877 times.

85% (6/7)
Inky Snakes - Play Poki Games Online
Inky Snakes is a free friv game available on the internet. It features smooth graphics and addictive gameplay. You can play the game by yourself, with a friend or online against other players around the world. This game is completely compatible with any browser, and it is available for both desktops and mobile devices. It also works on Full-Screen mode, so you don't have to download any files to play it.

The game has been updated and improved over the years, and is available in multiple versions. You can even play the game with your friends at the same time! The game may seem easy at first, but it requires some skill to grow a gigantic snake. In this game, you must carefully move and place each snake in the proper colored space.



